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Chuck Alleger

Awarded in
Internationally recognized as a builder of barefoot water skiing, Chuck Alleger dedicated more than two decades to the sport by developing better boats across the Southern Region, the United States, and the world.
From 1987 to 1998, Chuck was the Chairman of the AWSA Towboat Committee and was always working on ways to help improve boats for skiers from all disciplines. Chuck also was the Vice President of the American Barefoot Club and ABC representative for the AWSA Board of Directors. He became Senior Driver and Senior Judge for the American Barefoot Club and was the Chief Judge for several U.S. Barefoot Nationals. He was the Regional Director for the Southern Region for six years.
After a long day of work, he would come home to spend several hours in the boat training his son and several other barefooters. Chuck was part of five U.S. Barefoot Teams as a coach or manager, and all of those teams won world championships. Chuck also participated in annual boat tests from 1987 and 2002 and helped FlightCraft to get started in the US and was a big part of MasterCraft's barefoot program for more than 10 years.