Cathy & Gerry Luiting
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Gerry and Cathy Luiting are two of the most influential, celebrated, and highly decorated show skiers in the history of the sport. Many consider them to be the greatest doubles team ever to take the water. With extensive amateur, professional and international show experience Cathy has been involved in show skiing for more than 33 years, having skied for Sea World, Badgerland and the Rock Aqua Jays. Cathy is a two-time world show ski team champion, 12-time national team champion, 13-time regional team champion, seven-time national doubles champion and nine-time regional doubles champion. She also has served on various committees for the National Show Ski Association and as a senior tournament official. She has promoted show skiing in nearly every region of around the world.
Gerry Luiting can perform in multiple acts in show skiing, and has competed for more than 39 years at the amateur, professional and international levels. Gerry also is an innovator – having taken the sport to new levels. Gerry organized and took part in the first four- and five-high pyramids in a tournament and invented the “floating rope,” “ladder handles,” and aluminum strap doubles and trios peg handles. In 1991, Gerry was given the first Skip Gilkerson Award at the Show Ski National Championships for Outstanding Male Skier of the tournament. Gerry is two-time world show ski team champion, 19-time national team champion, 16-time regional team champion, seven-time national doubles champion and nine-time regional doubles champion. Gerry is currently president of the National Show Ski Association, chairman of the IWWF World Show Ski Committee and IWWF Executive Member.