Dr. JD and Glenda Morgan
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The Morgan Family
The legacy of the Morgan family of water skiers began with Dr. J.D. Morgan, who led the way by participating on national and world senior teams for many years. J.D. began his skiing career in the 1960s, and held national titles and records during the 1970s, '80s, and '90s. He served as president of the American Water Ski Educational Foundation for nine consecutive years from 1996-2005.
The Morgan sons, Mike and Zack, followed the tradition by achieving national championship titles. Mike, a world-class competitor, was a member of U.S. Teams representing our country in international competitions for world overall team titles. Mike continues to be active in the sport, including having served on the American Water Ski Association's International Activities Committee.
Mike’s wife, Kerry, also a national-level competitor, serves as chairman of the Florida and Southern Region junior development teams.
Entering as the third generation of skiers, Mike and Kerry’s daughters, Lauren, 16, and Jenna, 13, are active overall competitors, both winning nationals titles. Lauren is the current Junior Masters Jump champion, Moomba Masters, Junior U.S. Open Jump and Overall Champion. Lauren and Jenna are current Junior U.S. team members. Dedicated skiers like Lauren and Jenna represent the future of our sport.
The Morgan family legacy is given to the sport that has so enriched our family, with the hopes that other skiing families could be equally blessed.