Family & Friends Sponsor
Name Recognition in program
Recognition on Social Media
Name Recognition on Website

Bronze Sponsor
Small Logo in program
Small Logo on website for one year
Logo on Jumbotron at Ceremony
1 Instagram & Facebook post prior to event
Product Donations Accepted for Giveaway
One year membership

Silver Sponsor
Small Logo in Program
Small Logo on website for one year
Small Logo on Hall of Fame Email Campaigns
Logo on Jumbotron at Ceremony
2 Instagram & Facebook posts prior to event
Product Donations Accepted for Giveaway
One year membership
Hall of Fame Sponsorships
For a Gold, Platinum or Title Sponsorship, Please Contact Us.

Gold Sponsor
Quarter page ad in program
Logo on Jumbotron at Ceremony
Medium Logo on the Foundation website for one year
Event signage - supply your own banner
3 Instagram & Facebook posts (2 before event, 1 after event)
Logo on Hall of Fame Email Campaigns
Product Donations Accepted for Giveaway
One year membership

Platinum Sponsor
3 Available
One page ad in program
Product display at event
Logo on Jumbotron at Ceremony
Large Logo on all marketing materials
Large Logo on the Foundation website for one year
Event signage - supply your own banner
Large Logo on each table sign
4 Instagram & Facebook posts (2 before event, 2 after event)
Logo on Hall of Fame Email Campaigns
Product Donations Accepted for Giveaway
One year membership

Title Sponsor
Only one available
Centerfold ad in program
Boat/Product display at event
XLarge Logo placement on each table sign
Video advertisement at Ceremony
Logo on Jumbotron at Ceremony
5 Instagram & Facebook posts (3 before event, 2 after event)
Logo on red carpet background
XLarge Logo on website for one year
XLarge Logo on all marketing materials
XLarge Logo on Hall of Fame Email Campaigns
Event signage - supply your own banner
Product Donations Accepted for Giveaway
One year membership
For a Gold, Platinum or Title Sponsorship, Please Contact info@waterskihalloffame.com
Print material for ads and banners must be supplied by you.
Social Media posts must be in 1080 x 1080 px jpg or png image
Social media post content must be submitted in a word document.
Once you are confirmed as a sponsor, we will send you more details to provide your assets.
Looking forward to a successful 2025!